Monday, August 07, 2006

I'm About to have a Breakdown!!!

My roomate's mother has been staying with us for the last 3 weeks and she is driving me crazy. She is the most obsessive, selfish, annoying and tactless person I have ever met!!! She's always minidng other people's business and moving things around. But the worst part is that everytime she starts to talk, she has to make a comment about something that needs to be fixed or done or changed.
The good thing is that she is leaving next week. For those of you who know me, getting on my nerves is never a good thing, so this lady is playing with fire. GGGRrrrrrr!!! I swear, my roomate owes me big for this one!!


Going Somewhere said...

Ooohhh!!! Poor you! Poor, poor, you! LOL I remember hearing the stories. She must be driving your roomate crazy too, no?

Trundling Grunt said...

Ok, now she's gone are things calmer? Or did you bump her off and dispose of the body?