Thursday, June 30, 2005

"Mosquito Coast"

I am living in Mosquito Coast, it is unbelievable the amount of mosquitoes that are emerging from nowhere here. Not to mention that there is never any power so, you know, it's a lot of fun here. I wonder what happens in places where the power never goes out or in places where you can actually trust the public transportation or where youcan find what to do with your time when you have no work or responsibilities (I'm kidding of course, I come from a place like that). I swear, the person who invented work must have been from here, because there was nothing else to do and he or she, started to die of boredom, so they invented something that would keep you busy and that you could make money with. I know what i would have invented, a way to get out of here!!!! Oh yeah, because on top of living in an island it is almost impossible to purchase a ticket out of here, unless you are rich or going to puerto rico. Neither one of those is my case, so here I am. Waiting for a chance to come my way, so i can leave this island once and for all. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've had my share of fun here, but because it is a small country with very few people, well... let me put it this way, I've played all my cards and now the game is stuck, all the other players have passed their chance to play and have gotten out of the game. They saw what i couldn't see, it was a hopeless game and it wasn't going to end. So i could pick up the cards, shuffle them again and start playing, only nobody else wants to play because they think that the same thing is going to happen and because there is nobody to play with from somewhere else, i'm stuck with a deck of cards and no one to play with. Get the metaphor?

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